When the average romantic comedy watcher thinks of travel bookstores, the first image that comes to mind is Hugh Grant with his perfectly-tousled hair waiting behind the register for the girl of his dreams.
But these books are much more than just a plot device to help Julia Roberts fall in love.
There’s something classically appealing about having a book as your sole travel companion. An entire how-to manual devoted to your favorite city or region - what more could a girl need? There’s a freedom found in self-reliance, the same freedom that comes with the ability to leave your phone at home. No service? No problem. I already picked my top must-sees on the train ride over.
“The best part of travel is getting underneath the surface”
-VS Girl
And a good travel book is more than just a list to check off. A truly comprehensive guide gives an inside look that allows you to truly understand your destination. The best part of travel is getting underneath the surface - connecting with a new location, pulling the unfamiliar into the realm of the familiar.
And as I read I write. The right location has the ability to produce a profound bout of inspiration. My leather-bound notebook is filled with lines jotted while in motion. Every newfound moment in every newfound destination adds a chapter to the storybook of my life.
Congratulations. You’ve stumbled upon my travel record - read along to reveal all of my favorite things.
xo VS Girl